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Retracing Sequence Method™ 

Retracing Sequence Method™ (RSM) is a powerful Christian NeuroEmotional Therapeutic Tool that discovers and transforms neurological imbalances arising out of the psychology and physiology of unresolved stress and trauma that limits the full expression of a person’s soul, their authentic personality, and life’s potential.

Retrace for soul restoration - the journey back to finding you." 

Rashelle Wilson, M.A., CMHC, Trauma Specialist, Retracing Sequence Method Founder

Interview with RSM's Founder, Rashelle Wilson

Interview with RSM's Founder, Rashelle Wilson

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Heal the Soul - Transform the World.

Interpersonal neuroscience demonstrates that humans create enduring belief systems early in life. As the brain develops into adulthood, the early negative childhood events that created toxic belief systems continue to operate at the unconscious brain level. Hence, as an adult, this causes an internal struggle to believe something positive at the conscious level. This is called a double-minded state (Read James 1:8).

  • Traditional mental health therapies work "top-down". Talk-therapies focus on conversing with clients to try and change toxic cognitive and behavioral outcomes. Unfortunately, this approach leaves the embedded unconscious belief systems, which are the source of the mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders, neurologically active.

  • Retracing Sequence Method works "bottom-up". RSM focuses on discovering and eradicating the embedded neurological mental and emotional patterns at the delta brainwave level without altering the client's current state of mind - unlike hypnosis that causes a highly suggestible trance-like state.

    • RSM's "bottom-up" approach supports true and lasting transformation.

    • Change the mindset - Change the life!

Evidence-Based Practice. Retracing Sequence Method's protocol is based on neuro- science research, systematic randomized control trials, reviews, results and conclusions of valid, reputable studies, and clinical practice guidelines within neuro-emotional practices. 

Rashelle Wilson, M.A., CMHC, and Trauma Specialist established Retracing Sequence Method in 2002. Her pioneer work created a neuroemotional Christian-based protocol that discovers and eradicates toxic mental and emotional patterns from childhood trauma (e.g., victims of sexual and physical abuse, human trafficking, PTSD, etc.), spiritual abuse, and wounded self-identities.

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2)


Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts. (Proverbs 4:23 GNT)

©  2002-2024 Rashelle Wilson. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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