RSM's Two Webinars are Open to the Public
Attachment Webinar
The interpersonal neurobiology (IPNB) framework and neuroscience advancements demonstrate how the human mind, brain and relationships integrate and shape the neurological flow of information and the nervous system.
Anchored firmly upon God's Word, RSM's attachment webinar sets forth key theoretical ideas in attachment theory and how the underlying neurological processes that promote brain change are fundamentally relational in nature, which helps to explain the connection between interpersonal attachments and the soul's mind.
Healthy reciprocal relationships are the cornerstone of being happy and living well. This webinar will increase your understanding of the dynamics of interpersonal relationships between humans, how attachment bonds start early with primary care-givers, and develops life-long attachment styles.
Attachment Webinar
Attachment Webinar's Objectives:
Enhance your attachment knowledge and competency to better identify and differentiate between attachment styles
Build awareness for your clients' attachment styles and where it initially developed in childhood
Increase your understanding of early primary caregivers' impact on relational patterns and connection to others over the lifespan
Identify behaviors that contribute to a secure attachment and insecure attachment styles
Sharpen your abilities to see "what's in the room" when working with clients
Cost: $125
Time: Approximately 90-minutes
Disclaimer: The rental is available for only a 24-hour timeframe.
Course manual and material link is provided at the VERY beginning of the video. So, have pen and paper on hand when you start watching.
If you have a trouble accessing the video, please contact Director of Training, Karissa Kirk at (408) 510-0172
Trauma Webinar
When trauma is experienced, it often cripples individuals, families, and communities. According to the National Association for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, 60% of men and 50% of women will experience horrific events in their lifetime. Stress disorders are the most common mental health illness affecting nearly 40 million Americans annually - with an estimated 7 million adults suffering PTSD annually.
Trauma: The experience of intentional physical, sexual, severe neglect, psychological abuse, vicarious trauma, and war impacts.
Trauma Webinar
Trauma Webinar's Objectives:
Deepen the knowledge base regarding the complexities of the trauma experience by understanding the impact of trauma - specifically, the interplay between neurobiology and the environment, the trauma's influence on cognitive, affective, behavioral, and relational functioning.
Demonstrate greater insight for the unique cognitive, affective, and behavioral challenges faced by traumatized clients.
Better understand clients' presenting trauma related symptoms.
Increase understanding of neural integration and the vital role it plays in the client's successful treatment outcomes.
Increase self-awareness around personal unresolved issues and the impact this may have with transference and countertransference issues.
Understand how to safely and effectively support clients through the RSM's Trauma Core's zones to support positive outcomes.
The workshop's activities will increase your trauma related skills.
To better equip and empower you to make a difference in lives of those suffering from trauma (physical, sexual, severe psychological abuse, and/or vicarious trauma, and men and women returning from war).
Cost: $125
Time: Approximately 90-minutes
Disclaimer: The rental is available for only a 24-hour timeframe.
Course manual and material link is provided at the VERY beginning of the video. So, have pen and paper on hand when you start watching.
If you have a trouble accessing the video, please contact Director of Training, Karissa Kirk at (408) 510-0172