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 The RSM Journey™ 

The RSM Journey™ provides a soul transformation roadmap - it has a beginning and an ending. Similar to the Israelite's journey: Leave Egypt, go through the Wilderness, and arrive in the Promise Land. Retrace the course of dis-ease to live from True Identity and realize True Destiny. Live fully and intentionally!


Set up for yourselves highway markers, make for yourselves guideposts; turn       your thoughts and attention to the way by which you went into exile.            Retrace your steps... (Jeremiah 31:21)


  • A transformational roadmap has four major client benefits:

    • Provides a sequential step-by-step pathway with a beginning and an ending 

    • Increases self-awareness as the layers of the wounded soul are healed

    • Builds internal resilience

    • Tracks progress​

The RSM Journey increased my confidence to work clients that had experienced trauma, because it had made a concrete difference in my own life. 


Academy Trainee 2021

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