About RSM's Founder
Rashelle Wilson, M.A. CMHC, Trauma Specialist, Founder of Retracing Sequence Method Protocol and the RSM Journey.
Rashelle Wilson earned a B.A. in Social and Behavioral Psychology from George Fox University, a M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from George Fox University -(CACREP accreditation), and trained at the Trauma Response Institute to become a trauma specialist.
Additionally, Rashelle has worked extensively in individual, family, and group system assessment and treatments; has clinical experience, education, and training with attachment styles, personality disorders, PTSD, addictions, neuropsychology, interpersonal neurobiology, Gestalt Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Theophostic Prayer, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy. She started her private practice in 2002 and then began training Retracing Sequence Method's Protocol and the RSM Journey to other professionals and lay people in 2012.
Professional Credentials.

Retracing Sequence Method™, RSM Protocol™, RSM Journey™, and Christian NeuroEmotional Therapeutic Tool™ are trademarks of Nightengale LLC.